Boedon, Weaving for Sieving & Filtering

Copper Mesh Shielding Effectiveness Calculator

Copper Mesh Shielding Effectiveness Calculator

Copper mesh is regarded as the ideal material in shielding applications in military, hospital, lab, government and other essential industries.

But how to determine the copper mesh shielding effectiveness? If this spec of copper mesh can satisfy your shielding effectiveness effectively? Just use the following calculator for accurate data.

Popular Copper Mesh Specs
Mesh Wire Diameter (mm) Mesh Size (mm)
16 0.28 1.308
22 0.38 0.775
60 0.16 0.263
80 0.12 0.198
100 0.11 0.144
150 0.05 0.119
200 0.05 0.077
250 0.03 0.072
300 0.03 0.055
d (Mesh Size):
  • mm
  • inch
f (Radio Fluency):
  • MHz
  • kHz
  • GHz


SE (Shielding Effectiveness):
* This formula is only applicable to plain weave copper woven mesh.
A chart shows different shielding effectiveness of copper mesh with different aperture.